I spent my entire day in a heaven yesterday, in Baltimore Convention Center. Dennis and I strolled around this huge arena of trees and plants of all you can imagine. I am so excited to share some of pictures and what I found here with you soon. We decided to bring these cool live moss packages for you and quality heirloom seed packages that you never seen before. I am just too excited on these findings I have for you. As soon as they arrive one by one, I'll post more pictures for you!

Yes, we will bring you seed packages! Gardeners, get ready to go gaga!!!!

These are our wonder moss collections. Aren't you excited? I will show you thousands of things you could do with these cuties! You can buy these live moss in various packages soon at Park Florist!

Look at these yummy babies! I already placed my order to get them to you for your next terrarium project!

Lorrie from Willow Run Green House, Culpepper, VA. She sends me her gorgeous house plant selections every week!

Dennis carried all my bags and cameras, and samples all day long.

and now I have some sip of soda by hot fire in the nice restaurant!
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